Thursday 27 December 2012

The great Spanish crash - BBC

When I watched the next video that I recommend you, I got sad think about the future of our next generation. It shows, in a British point of view, the reasons which have led to the real situation which we are living nowadays in Spain.

Everything has been an amount of nonsenses with the only one goal to enrich a speculative system based in bricks. Education is not necessary. Environment has not been preserved, it has been requalified. Poor people pay the bill of a great amount of pharaonic white elephants, financed by institutions which are now in bankruptcy.

No good future is predicted if things go happening in the same way.

Each one of the real events and which has been each aftereffect has to be known by citizens. Media and politicians don't help. His knowing have to provoke decide which is the future we want and what radical changes we have to do in order to change this tendency.

1 comment:

  1. In general I like this video, specially because the Ambassador of Spain in London, Federico Trillo, made a complain about the image of Spain that is presented.

    There are two points that I criticize: the first one is the British view that you have already mentioned. British people living Spain are presented as though they were saviors of unfortunate people but actuallly it is given the impression of a post-colonial invasion which reminds that one in India: they feel they help people by paying them in black but actually they just mantain capitalist values. However I understand the need of unemployers to work, I just say that it should not be presented neither as a charity action nor a heroe action.

    The second point I criticize is the way they present the protest of people. People is seen as an innocent mass that claim their rights like good dogs that have become angry. Where is in the video the organization of all the social protest? Where are the alternative systems that this mobilization have brought to a real option? Where the little success they have achieved by legal ways as well as fight in the streets? People is presented as an irrational fog.

    But anyway I like how they present corruption and I think this video is much better than many other filmed by British.
