Last Sunday, Felix Baumgartner jumped from more than 39,000 meters. What do you think about his profession?
I think it´s very challenging because he try to beat before records, and very rewarding. It´s also motivating although at the same time hungry children died and the staff of the project earn a lot of money.
It isn´t a monotonous or tedious job, but it´s very demanding and a bit repetitive if you do free falls every week, not always so important like this.
Posted by David Mira.
I completely agree with you. Felix Baumpartner is a brave man, his profession is challenging and motivating.
ReplyDeleteIt's an historic jump.
I think that he doesn't know what fear means! His job is challenging, demanding and rewarding too.
ReplyDeleteIf my son ever did something like this, I'd go mental!!!!