Thursday 22 November 2012

Article of the week by Lídia Pardo

Hi guys !!!   I'm sure we have all heard about energy drinks such as Monster, Amp, Rockstar and Red Bull. In fact, most of us have probably tried one of these drinks. Most of the drinks have ingredients such as caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone. They also contain high levels of sugar and caffeine. What do you think about these kind of drinks? Do you think that they can cause health problems?


  1. Hi Lidia.
    On the one hand, i think that this kind of drinks could probably be the cause of some of the deaths that your article talks about.
    On the other hand, the effects of this drinks are probably different in each person. In my opinion this drinks are dangerous specially mixed with alcohol although I won't say I have never drunk one.

  2. Sex, caffeine and rock&roll ouuuuu yeeeaaah!!

  3. The company that produces Monster could say that they have followed all laws on labeling drinks but young people maybe have not read the label. Maybe it is necessary to change some laws.

  4. Hey Lidia...Personally, I think that these drinks are not healthy for the body and for the mind. The effects after drinking one of them can be different for people and I think that they probably do not even know what it actually contains.
    They need it to have fun

  5. We drink, eat, breath ... so dangerous things
    one more to the dangerous list
