Sunday 30 December 2012

Enough of traditional Christmas food!!!!

Me too, I'm enough of this typical food.
So... taste this delicious and yummy dishes.

and Happy 2013!!!

Thursday 27 December 2012

The great Spanish crash - BBC

When I watched the next video that I recommend you, I got sad think about the future of our next generation. It shows, in a British point of view, the reasons which have led to the real situation which we are living nowadays in Spain.

Everything has been an amount of nonsenses with the only one goal to enrich a speculative system based in bricks. Education is not necessary. Environment has not been preserved, it has been requalified. Poor people pay the bill of a great amount of pharaonic white elephants, financed by institutions which are now in bankruptcy.

No good future is predicted if things go happening in the same way.

Each one of the real events and which has been each aftereffect has to be known by citizens. Media and politicians don't help. His knowing have to provoke decide which is the future we want and what radical changes we have to do in order to change this tendency.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Sheryl Crow & Eric Clapton - Merry Christmas Baby

Alan Turing Pardon?

Several scientists including Professor Stephen Hawking are once again pushing for an official pardon for codebreaker Alan Turing.

Turing had an important influence on computing, computer science, artificial intelligence, developmental biology, and the mathematical theory of computability. He is widely considered to be the father of computer science and artificial intelligence.

The Alan Turing Year, 2012, marks the celebration of the life and scientific influence of Alan Turing on the occasion of the centenary of his birth on 23 June 1912.

During World War II he devised a number of techniques for breaking German ciphers, including the method of the bombe, an electromechanical machine that could find settings for the Enigma machine which helped win the war.

After the war, Turing's homosexuality resulted in a criminal prosecution in 1952, when homosexual acts were still illegal in the United Kingdom. He accepted treatment with female hormones as alternative to prison. The cruelty of Turing's treatment, though not exceptional at the time, was made worse because it led to a course of hormone therapy, or "chemical castration".

Turing killed himself from cyanide poisoning two years after being convicted.

Justice Minister Lord McNally said on February 2012: "A posthumous pardon was not considered appropriate as Alan Turing was properly convicted of what at the time was a criminal offence".

What do you think about that?

Friday 14 December 2012

About Christmas

“Myth-busting the Christmas adverts”

It’s Christmas time! It’s time for family, friends, big meals...but also Christmas is a time for shopping and the  advertisement  is very important. Nothing is what it seems and everything is designed. In this article from BBC News magazine you can read about some myths in the Christmas adverts .

Thursday 22 November 2012

Article of the week by Lídia Pardo

Hi guys !!!   I'm sure we have all heard about energy drinks such as Monster, Amp, Rockstar and Red Bull. In fact, most of us have probably tried one of these drinks. Most of the drinks have ingredients such as caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone. They also contain high levels of sugar and caffeine. What do you think about these kind of drinks? Do you think that they can cause health problems?

Monday 19 November 2012

Demonstration of teachers on the 14th November


I wrote this article for Occupy Education and they published it.

It is about a demonstration that substitute teachers made on the 14th November in front of Department of Education.

I just wanted to share it with you :-)

Dani Margarit

Thursday 15 November 2012

Video of the week: A trip to Barcelona

Hi everyone! I saw this video few days ago and I thought it would be nice for this blog. I hardly recommend you to try to listen the video without reading the translation. I think it's quite easy. Isn't it? After listening the video, what do you think about this man and what he says? Do you agree with him about next 25 of November? I hope you enjoy it. See you!!
A trip to Barcelona from Sharif on Vimeo.

Someday We'll All Be Free from Sharif on Vimeo.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Learn through mime

Hey guys.

Here you have two videos with the performance of David Armand. He calls his performs "Interpretative Dance" because he illustrates the lyrics through mime (in the second video the introducer said through the media/medium of ????, please leave a comment if you understand it) and two people have to guess the name of the song.

The first one is a classic Queen's song (I miss you, Freddy!) and I like how David "says":
feel alive,  don't stop me now, burning through the sky, way of Mars, real (he illustrates with reel) good time…
Note that he doesn't know how to illustrate "Mr. Fahrenheit" and he turns to the audience like saying "What it is supposed that I have to do know?", brilliant.

The second video is a Britney Spears's song. I like how he illustrates "Oh, baby" (life is simple!), to "bee"  and the "give a sign" part.
Note the accent of Lora when she said "I think I've got it"  oh I wish I could have it.

That's all, see you tomorrow. Enjoy the videos!

And now, Britney's song

Friday 2 November 2012

Sandy has gone down the tall ship Bounty

The hurricane Sandy has gone down the tall ship Bounty and it has died Claudene Christian, the great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Christian Fletcher:

Posted by David Mira.


Wednesday 31 October 2012

Article of the week

Last week I saw " To Rome with Love" and I really enjoyed. It's a good film, funny, silly, a typical Woody Allen's film.

Here you can read some rewiews:

"TO ROME WITH LOVE has pleasures galore."

 -Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE
"It's hard not fall under the movie's spell and indulge in some picturesque escapism."

 -Claudia Puig, USA TODAY
"Funny and silly and packed with crisscrossing story lines about love and desire played out by a terrific cast. Like a gracious host, Woody Allen sends us out of the theater with the sense that we've been to a really good party with people we'd like to see again and again."

 -Karen Durbin, ELLE
"So assured and Allen's plotting so intricate it's hard not to marvel at it. I marveled."


Tuesday 30 October 2012

Article of the week 29-10-12

A day such as the 16th of october but 44 years ago, something happened that changed the history of the Olympic Games, and has been observed also, like the clearest demonstration of condemnation about the United States  civil right politics. In the article, we can also find  how this fact is described  in the  history curriculum in the U.S schools. Nowadays it is useful to remember that little actions like these can change  things, althought Tommie Smith, Peter Norman and John Carlos had  to wait a few years to obtain their acknowledgement.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Article of the week

Even though members of the family of Goya painting we were talking about last day were frightening, the paint is not in this scary list. However, there is a "black painting" of Goya between the 10 best scary paintings.

Friday 19 October 2012

Influences of our last audition in class

Paul Weller is talking about the influence of two cities London and Woking, his own city. But in a moment of the interview it is said about the influence of Ray Davies from the Kinks. This group is one of the most important and influential rock bands of the British Music. One of them is the Jam. It’s clear the influence not only in the music but in the matter. I recommend to you hearing the song of Ray Davies 'A Well Respected Man'. Do you think it influenced the jam’s song? I think so.

Wednesday 17 October 2012


I found this youtube channel few months ago.

If you are bored, you can spend few minutes in front of several easy watching videos about grammar, vocabulary, phrasal verbs... Everything seasoned in a German accent.

The proof is in the pudding.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Red Bull Stratos

Last Sunday, Felix Baumgartner jumped from more than 39,000 meters. What do you think about his profession?

I think it´s very challenging because he try to beat before records, and very rewarding. It´s also motivating although at the same time hungry children died and the staff of the project earn a lot of money.

It isn´t a monotonous or tedious job, but it´s very demanding and a bit repetitive if you do free falls every week, not always so important like this.

                                                                                     Posted by David Mira.